Monday, 3 August 2015

The Bank Abuja reacts to alleged head breaking incident at their club

Earlier today, a man narrated an incident he claimed happened at The Bank club Abuja, where his friend was nearly killed after being hit on the head with a red label bottle (read here) following a misunderstanding. Reacting, the club denied involvement in the incident. Their statement below... 
Our attention has been drawn to an ongoing rumour that a man identified as Mr. Rex had his head broken at the Bank Club in Abuja on July 5th. Even though we hardly respond to a made up story based on writer's imagination, we are quick to say the writer is on a witch-hunt mission, which we can only term self destructive.
We are not oblivious of the fact that we have big competitors in this business, but we are shocked that some individuals could be so pushed to the extent of connecting us to an incident that does not involve us directly. We beg to dissociate ourselves from the incident, and for the record, The Bank is against all forms of violence, not just around where it is situated, but everywhere in the country. Our track record is straight, especially on the issue of security within and outside the club.

We react thus:

1. Why have they suddenly realized the need to go to the media for an incident that they claimed happened on the 5th of July? From our record, it's almost a month since they claimed the incident happened. To us, they had to take their time to cook up the lies.

2. The writer admitted his friend  had a misunderstanding with a man, whose name was not mentioned in his report. We wonder how the Bank is connected to the explanation given as to what led to the misunderstanding. The same man had admitted touching three girls on their a**es which made our security men to see them out of the club after a disagreement. We were surprised to have had him approach us with some policemen over an issue between him and his colleague he claimed had trouble with him from another club over the same issue.  How can the club be blamed for his uncultured behaviour that resulted to a squabble? Instead of raising frivolous allegation against a reputable club such as theBank, we urge the writer to advise his friend on the need to be civil going forward.

3. The same friend brought some policemen to the club the next day and the law abiding club addressed both the police and the alleged victim with all civility, hence the latest publication is continuously and witch-hunt mission.

4. We do not see any reason our club should be connected to the incident that happened outside the club, following a spontaneous reaction from an angry man. Even if our security men were to do anything to forestall such incident, it's definitely not a case that happened outside the club and spontaneously.

5. How can the same 'Rex'(we suspect) who has since been barred by our security man from coming into our club be raising a compromising allegation such as this?

6. Since then, the Bank has further beefed up its security, and will continue to assure its usual patrons to disregard the allegation.


A. A ( Publicity Secretary)
The Bank.


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